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In 2023, Lamplight Women’s Literacy expanded existing programs and developed new programming to meet the needs of the community. 

It was a joy to witness students gain new skills, overcome obstacles, and make steady progress toward their goals.

Growing to meet the need


Lamplight in 2023




  • 100% of students post-tested after 25 hours of English language instruction made grade level learning gains in one or more components of reading.



  • Responded to the needs of newly arriving migrants by piloting an English language program for 24 adults living in emergency shelter. Classes met twice per week for 8-weeks with childcare.



  • Continued developing Lamplight’s ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) curriculum to deliver an engaging and effective learning experience to students across levels. Particular focus was given to structured literacy instruction for lowest level learners. 

  • Provided TEAS test prep course to first cohort of students. Built upon initial program design with revisions to increase accessibility for health care workers.



  • Collaborated with community partners to connect students to food, housing assistance, mental health resources, and employment opportunities as needs arose.


Lamplight students each contribute to a learning community where people are connected, supported, and encouraged to achieve their best.  


  • Students come from 21 different countries


  • Student first languages:

    • 46% Haitian Creole​

    • 22% Spanish

    • 7% Portuguese

    • Other: Albanian, Amharic, Farsi, Greek, Hindi, Japanese, Kyrgyz, Luganda, Nepali, Tagalog, Turkish, Ukrainian


  • 100% low income (household incomes less than 80% of Average Median Income)


  • 69% women, 31% men


  • Age distribution:

    • ​21% ages 20-29

    • 53% ages 30-39

    • 18% ages 40-49

    •   8% ages 50+ 


  • 100% amazing and courageous people!


Support the work

Your contribution provides opportunity for hard working individuals with limited economic resources to pursue their goals and build futures filled with potential.

© 2023 by Lamplight Women's Literacy Center. 

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